Understanding the Soul of Fund-raising
I know I can be a little repetitious in my sermons on fund-raising. I base my words on 26 years of experience in the field. I've worked with many organizations just like ours. The questions you have and the tactics you suggest often are similar to ones that I've heard or seen before.
In the end, the secrets to successful fund-raising are simple:
- People generally need to be asked, ideally by someone whom they respect and who has already made a commitment.
- People cannot give equally unless you ask for a gift that is the lowest common denominator of the group. Ask proportionately in accordance with capacity to give.
- Individuals are by far the most generous donors, giving more than 8 out of 10 dollars donated.
Remember the scarcest commodity most boards have is bodies willing to do the fund-raising. Consider List's recommendations as you plan for the coming year.
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