Friday, November 6, 2009

Thoughts on Ultimate Giving

Gender and Bequests

It has been assumed for years that women are the most common donor of bequests, but a study just released sheds new light on the differences and motivations of bequest donors by gender.

The study, conducted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) find that contrary to current thought, men and women are just as likely to make charitable provisions in the wills. Their motivations at times are similar, in others, different.

The study states that about 15% of adults have included charities in their estate plans. Factors that increase the likelihood of this include religious participation, age and marital status. The highest likeliness is among single people who are between 40 and 64 that attend services once a week.

Differences are subtle. Women are more likely to be motivated by helping those in need. Men are most likely to support causes that they have had a personal relationship with. Both genders are motivated by the effectiveness of the charity.

What we can learn from this is that we have an opportunity with bequest giving from our Masonic board members and volunteers. The tool to use is the Cornerstone Society, the planned gift donor club of Scottish Rite Charities. The points that will motivate these male members would be reminding them of their association with Freemasonry and the Learning Centers. Also important to reinforce the effectiveness of the LCs and how it helps kids who have few or no alternatives.

If you are interested in reading more the study can be found here. If you need Cornerstone Society brochures contact the SRC offices at 781-465-3326.


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